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Yoga knowledge

What is yoga
Published time:2021-11-18     Read the number:     Font Size:【3 2 1

"Yoga" (English: Yoga) is the Sanskrit transliteration, from Indian Sanskrit "yug" or "yuj" which means "self" (atma) and "blessed" (Brahman) is the combination of (theunion) or agreement (one - ness is). The ultimate purpose of all kinds of yoga system is to help people realize the unity of the Vatican I yoga realm.

Far there is no written records of ancient times in the past, has been in the form of a precept of teacher and pupil to teach yoga tradition. Great yoga guru for mercy and compassion, not return to the techniques of yoga and step to the world that can make people through yoga that timeless wisdom, to the highest level of health and happiness. Yoga yoga to learn effectively, it is a lifelong benefit, and are well known and popular, its secret is health peace mind, body, and spirit, are highly systematic, scientific, and stand the test of time. Yoga is a cosmopolitan and sports science, its theory is suitable for people of different ethnic nationality, gender or religious belief, anyone to practice yoga techniques, can benefit from it.


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